Mission of the organisation
We are a governmental non-profit organization registered in the country of Indonesia, on the island of Bali. Although our head office is in Bali, our desired reach is the nation of Indonesia and then ultimately, taking our programs to reach other developing nations through the cultivating and development of local leadership. Our mission statement - Creating partnerships that empower communities to envision and achieve their full potential through collective action. On a village by village community basis, in communities where we are welcomed, we begin by assessing needs, local assets and resources and current programs in place in order to develop projects and programs based on the identified needs while seeking potential project partners to commit to the initiative with us. The identified needs come through collaborating with project partners, community leadership and individuals within that particular community. It is not our practice to go into a community and decide what their needs are for them. Being a faith based organization, we believe we have all been created with gifting and resources. We are purposeful in focusing in who God has created them to be and how we can best encourage and partner with communities to grow and prosper. Our vision statement - A world where every person has opportunities to experience a transformed life, renewed hope and restored relationship. This vision statement speaks to our long-term goal of reaching developing nations beyond Indonesia. We are as focused internally as an organization as we are in the projects we are implementing in the communities we serve. It is our primary goal to raise up local people to be exemplary leaders within the organization and for their nation. We are committed to a culture of Servant Leadership. This is a focus not towards any position we hold but rather who we are as individuals and as a team. This desired culture will be expressed through our core values forming an acrostic spelling the word leadership - Loving Excellence Accountable Developmental/Discipleship Empowering Respectful Servant Minded Humility Integrity Passion to Persevere We believe it is through these core values and commitment to our mission and vision that we have the ability to impact a nation through good works and excellent stewardship of people and resources. We are also committed to the growth of our employees through ongoing leadership and staff meetings, practical training and investing in personal development through training and mentoring. Indonesia Aid's programs are divided into 4 initiatives: Project Water, Project Freedom, Project Legacy and Project Relief. Project Water is finding long term and short term sustainable solutions for access to clean drinking water. As a nation as a whole, Indonesia does not have access to clean drinking water unless boiled, bottled or processed through some sort of filtration system. This lack has created not only a plastics problem for the nation, but a health and wellness problem especially for more impoverished communities. It is estimated that that the mortality rate of children 5 and under is 40%. Water borne illnesses is believed to be a large contributor. Having access to clean water is literally life changing. Clean water is a fundamental resource that all mankind is in need of daily. We have seen firsthand where women in villages walk hours daily, sometimes starting hours before sunrise, simply to provide their families with enough water in one or two jerry cans to last a day. Also, in cases such as Lombok and Sulawesi where major natural disasters have occurred, access to clean water continues to be an ongoing need. We currently seeking a partner in Sulawesi for a water well drilling rig set up. Much of the wells were destroyed or compromised by the extreme earth movement experienced during last year's earthquake/tsunami/liquefaction event. It is our intent to not only locate and provide opportunities to access water sources, but to abolish water borne disease through distribution of Sawyer water filters that have a 99.99999% success rate in alleviating viruses and bacteria. Project Freedom focuses on sex trafficking and prison outreach. We have received verbal approval from local authorities, secured a facility for 5 years, hired staffing and created curriculum to operate a safe house. We are now processing all of the legal documentation as requested by the Social Department to register legally both locally and nationally. An estimated 100,000+ women and children are believed to be trafficked through keys islands in Indonesia. We have chosen to open our first safe house on one of those identified islands. We currently have teams that go out at least twice a week in outreach to highly trafficked/brothel areas. These outreaches provide opportunities to create relationships with those we seek to help "get out" or rescue. Once in our care, they will be given an opportunity to finish their primary education, receive counseling, learn key life and job skills go through a program of restoration and healing, all in hopes of their returning to society and their communities whole and ready for a new life. We see the prison system as a way to reach the nations. Individuals from all over the world are incarcerated in at least 2 prisons in Bali alone. We currently sponsor and host a monthly church service in one prison. We are also in discussions with the second prison to provide a Christian based rehabilitation program through partnership with an organization in America which was created specifically for people who are currently incarcerated focused on healing crime victims and rehabilitating offenders. The program's success in the US where the recidivism rate is more than 85% have shown that the graduates do not return to prison within 3 years. It is our hope to see real life change, therefore, impacting positively their communities upon their return. Project Legacy is believing in, hoping in and investing in the next generation. Currently, our efforts are in scholarship provision for school aged children. The scholarship is approximately $40/month/child. This current program provides for school fees, necessary uniforms, school supplies, backpack, in some cases transportation and an afterschool program 2 days a week with a snack. In the afterschool program, they are being taught basic life schools, simple English and Bible stories. It is our intent to increase Project Legacy potentially to opening an orphanage. We have discovered that countless children have been left without any parents due to recent natural disasters and illnesses. We are also in partnership with two children's homes where we have helped expand current facilities and medical/dental needs for the staff and children in their care. Project Relief is our initiative that responds to natural disasters. Our responding teams are second responders. We go into devastated areas with the intent of connecting with and working in conjunction with local authorities, community leaders and other responding organizations. We typically initially respond with basic medical aid, toiletries, water, clothing, basic food items, baby needs such as formula, diapers, and clothing and women's menstrual hygiene items. We provide these services during what is called the "giving time." We are firm believers in a hand up rather than a hand out in which we are methodical in our allotted giving time then quickly transitioning to recovery. We want to see communities rise up and take an active role in rebuilding their lives and communities. It is through our previous responses, we've developed long term relationships in affected areas, then allowing us to come in with opportunities for our aforementioned long-term initiatives with project partners. In addition to these four project initiatives, one of the first services we offer are basic medical services to a community as whole. We have come to learn that most people in the communities we currently serve have never had the privilege of seeing a doctor much less have their blood pressure checked and blood sugar taken. We have also recently begun to include dental check-ups when available. Dental hygiene is not of common practice in rural communities. We often see rotten and abscess teeth which is the root cause to many of the ongoing illnesses that we see. We have seen where these basic services have helped us to grow in relationship and trust by initially taking an interest in their individual personal wellbeing. We are currently seeking a project partner for a mobile medical clinic for Sulawesi to reach remote villages. After the event, an estimated 70 doctors requested to be transferred outside of Sulawesi leaving a shortage of medical personal. We have already met with the governor and a Health Department official to discuss this specific need. Indonesia Aid has their support to proceed. We continue to seek partners to expand our reach to other islands throughout Indonesia through our current initiatives. As we focus on the physical needs of the people we serve we are reminded daily that increased wages, clean water, improved health care and education is only part of the equation. Real heart transformation is needed.